Canicross: what it is and how to get involved
Own a dog who likes to run? Then canicross could be a new off-season sport and training discipline for you. We explain all you need to know…
Own a dog who likes to run? Then canicross could be a new off-season sport and training discipline for you. We explain all you need to know…
Want to increase your run mileage? Joel Enoch explains how to increase your run volume and mileage safely, so you don’t risk injury or burn out
Do those with long legs always run faster than those with shorter limbs? Joel Enoch explains the relationship between leg length and run speed.
Dave Cripps explains the role hip extension plays in running and debates whether it’s something you should aim to improve
Repeated sprints with short recovery forges lactate tolerance in those crucial final race kilometres so you can master that final burst and finish with a flourish, says Joel Enoch
Strong hip muscles are essential for efficient running and injury prevention, says strength and conditioning expert Dave Cripps. Here he explains more…
Ankle pain is a common problem for triathletes. Physio Diarmaid Donohoe explains what causes ankle pain when running – and how you can treat it or, better still, prevent it…
New to running, and wondering when and how you should introduce interval sessions into your run training? Dermott Hayes explains all
Understanding the different phases of your run stride can be hugely beneficial, as evidence links the quality of your running mechanics to the quality of your performance. Dave Cripps explains more…
Yes, swimming can help you improve your run says John Wood. Here’s how
How switching terrain will keep you on-track with your threshold training and lactate tolerance
The benefits of running are numerous, says top tri coach Joel Enoch, from improving your mental and physical health to exploring new places and having time to yourself.
Foot strike refers to the point at which the foot meets the floor while running but is often used to describe the way the foot lands, says Joel Enoch. Here he explains more
The first part of your run can often feel like the worst part and hurt the most, however fit you are, and it takes a while to get into your running groove. Nick Beer explains what causes first-mile-fatigue, plus how to beat it and even enjoy it…
Despite popular belief a recent study finds that changing to forefoot running doesn’t lead to fewer injuries or better running economy
Don’t miss out on this often-neglected training area with a simple bang-for-your-buck session, says Joel Enoch
If you have a treadmill why not try this speed-building session so you can enjoy big performance gains when life gets back to normal
Now coronavirus is forcing us to swap the trails for a treadmill, we take a look at how treadmill running can improve your performance so you will smash your next race – whenever that is…
Condition yourself to run faster and stay injury free with this 60min at home session
One long run each week should be the cornerstone of your training, says Andy Blow. Here’s why…
Want to run a sub-20min 5k? Hit your goal with these 4 weekly run sessions
Hill running is a very useful method of training to build strength, power and top-end aerobic conditioning, says Andy Blow. Here he explains why it’s not just skiers who should be hitting the slopes
Don’t know whether you’re a pronator, neutral or supinator when you run? Don’t fear, former long-distance British runner Julian Goater is here to explain the differences between running gaits and how to assess yours
Dermott Hayes explains how you can develop a more efficient running technique by adopting these 8 easy tweaks
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