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Home / Recipes / Sicilian sardine spaghetti

Sicilian sardine spaghetti

Oily fish is where it’s at when it comes to getting in your omega-3s, so here's a fantastic sardine pasta dish to add to your mid-week post-session repertoire…

To get your fill of healthy-fat omega-3s, mackerel, kippers, salmon, herring, fresh crab, sardines… are all great!

Extremely well-balanced and flavoursome, I’d recommend adding this nutritious and delicious Sicilian sardine spaghetti dish to your weekday post-training repertoire, especially if you’re trying to eat healthily on a budget.

Boost your omegas!

Already high in omega 3’s, you can boost this dish even further with a few simple swaps:

1. Swap out the pine nuts for omega 3-rich walnuts – keep the skins on, as the skin packs most of walnuts’ phenol antioxidants  

2. Toast a handful of hemp, flax and pumpkin seeds and sprinkle over with the Parmesan

3. Swap the sardines for tinned or fresh mackerel which is even more loaded with omega 3’s.   

Profile image of Kate Percy Kate Percy Sports nutrition cook and author


Sports nutrition cook and keen amateur athlete Kate Percy set up the #GoFaster campaign in 2009 and, following the publication of several sports nutrition books, now produces a range of all-natural energy balls, Go Bites (www.katepercys.com).