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Home / Recipes / Peanut and sweet potato soup

Peanut and sweet potato soup

With slow-releasing carbs, protein, healthy fats and loads of vitamins and minerals, this soup is a great addition to any training diet

This is one of my favourite ‘souper’ soups – a spicy, sweet and citrussy Berbere-spiced (which can be found in most large supermarkets) Peanut and Sweet Potato Soup.

Providing slow-releasing carbohydrate, protein, healthy fats and a host of vitamins and minerals, it’s a great addition to any training diet. You can also prep in bulk and keep portions in the freezer.

Boost the protein

Bake 2 skinless chicken thigh filets in a little oil at 180°C for 20mins. Cut into bite-size pieces and add at step 3.

Profile image of Kate Percy Kate Percy Sports nutrition cook and author


Sports nutrition cook and keen amateur athlete Kate Percy set up the #GoFaster campaign in 2009 and, following the publication of several sports nutrition books, now produces a range of all-natural energy balls, Go Bites (www.katepercys.com).