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Home / Training / Nutrition / 5 foods that… help build muscle

5 foods that… help build muscle

Help your body build the strength needed for triathlon with these 5 foods

Broad beans

Top up the protein content of meals by adding a serving of nutrient-rich broad beans. Nearly half the calorie content is protein, and they also provide high levels of vitamin C not found in animal protein.

Sea trout

This oily fish is much lower in fat than salmon, yet still a first-class source of muscle-building protein. Trout also contains B vitamins such as B2 and B6 – both necessary for amino acid (protein) metabolism.


Loaded with nutrients such as folate, vitamins A, C, E and K, as well as chromium – a trace mineral that enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose and amino acids into cells.


High in zinc and with 20g protein per 100g serving, crab is a perfect muscle-building food for summer salads.


In season during the early summer months, rabbit is low in fat and high in quality protein, so a perfect choice for those seeking a lean, strong physique. Rabbit is also an excellent source of B vitamins.

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