Why does my sweat smell of ammonia?
Worried your sweat smells of ammonia? Sports scientist Andy Blow discusses possible causes and solutions
How to prevent and recover from muscle, tendon and ligament injuries
Worried your sweat smells of ammonia? Sports scientist Andy Blow discusses possible causes and solutions
Spotlight shines on the system of therapeutic use exemptions after one of its biggest critics, Andrew Starykowicz, tests positive for oxygen-boosting drug says Tim Heming
Strength coach Dave Cripps explains how you can maintain and look after your muscle mass if injured
A new study shows that those who adapt their normal hobbies to be covid-compliant are more fulfilled than those following new lockdown trends and novelty activities. 220 takes a look…
Physio Danni Thorn explains all you need to know about scar tissue
We speak with psychologist Dr Josephine Perry about imposter syndrome, its prevalence in athletes, and useful techniques for coping with the debilitating issue that “most people will experience at some point in their lives”
Tricep dips are a great strength exercise for triathletes.Here’s how to do them
Hand and rehab physiotherapist Juliet Slade explains all you need to know about forearm strains, including causes, treatment, and prevention
Professor Mark Whiteley explains how your circulatory, or cardiovascular, system works, and how exercise helps keep it working efficiently, both in the short and long term
Triggered by the cold, those with Raynaud’s Syndrome can endure excruciating pain and numbness in their hands and feet. Raynaud’s sufferer and keen marathon runner Susie Hoare shares her top tips for managing the condition when running in cold weather
Suffer with chafing? Here is some treatment and prevention advice from physiotherapist Phil Burt
In theory tendon injuries should heal quicker than ligament injuries, due to a better blood supply, says physiotherapist Juliet Slade, but that is not always the case…
Physio Brad Beer explains all you need to know about bone-stress injuries, including what they are and how to prevent them
Strong hip muscles are essential for efficient running and injury prevention, says strength and conditioning expert Dave Cripps. Here he explains more…
Sciatica’s debilitating, making every little task painful, never mind training for a triathlon. Here, physio Christos Kostas explains causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
Are women athletes more prone to injuries than men? Yes they are says Brad Beer, but it’s not clear why…
The strength of your hamstrings can literally make or break your athletic performance. Physio Trishul Vegad explains more…
Ankle pain is a common problem for triathletes. Physio Diarmaid Donohoe explains what causes ankle pain when running – and how you can treat it or, better still, prevent it…
Nick Beer explains how to treat a groin injury and how long recovery will take
Specialist hand and wrist physiotherapist Rachel Maccabee explains causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of cyclist palsy
Know what the posterior chain is and why it’s important for athletes? If not, physio Matthew Taylor explains all you need to know about it and the importance of keeping the posterior chain strong and healthy
Your thighs are made up of four muscles, commonly known as the quadriceps, and it’s these muscles that are responsible for generating power – an important commodity for triathletes. Physio Juliet Slade explains more
Cycling can put our backs under plenty of strain and make us vulnerable to injury. Physio Glenn Withers explains how cyclists and triathletes can look after their backs to minimise risk of injury
Physio Leonie Cameron explains the seven key parts of a Functional Movement Screening test, and what it can tell your physiotherapist about how you move and your susceptibility to injury