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Beginning regular exercise can reverse heart damage

Exercise can reverse damage to sedentary, ageing hearts and help prevent risk of future heart failure, say cardiologists at UT Southwestern and Texas Health Resources

To reap the most benefit, the exercise regime, which should should include four to five 30-minute sessions a week, should begin by late middle age (before age 65), when the heart apparently retains some plasticity and ability to remodel itself. Two to three times a week was not enough, the researchers found in an earlier study.

“Based on a series of studies performed by our team over the past 5 years, this ‘dose’ of exercise has become my prescription for life,” said senior author Dr. Benjamin Levine, Director of the Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine and Professor of Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern. “I think people should be able to do this as part of their personal hygiene — just like brushing your teeth and taking a shower.”

The 50 plus participants in the study were divided into two groups, one of which received two years of supervised exercise training and the other group, a control group, which participated in yoga and balance training.

The schedule of those that took part in the supervised exercise included;

A weekly high-intensity 30-minute workout, such as aerobic interval sessions in which heart rate tops 95 percent of peak rate for 4 minutes, with 3 minutes of recovery, repeated four times (a so-called “4 x 4”).

Each interval session was followed by a recovery session performed at relatively low intensity.

A weekly one hour session of moderate intensity. (As a “prescription for life,” Levine said this longer session could be a fun activity such as tennis, aerobic dancing, walking, or biking.)

One or two other sessions were performed each week at a moderate intensity, meaning the participant would break a sweat, be a little short of breath, but still be able to carry on a conversation — the “talk test.” In the study, exercise sessions were individually prescribed based on exercise tests and heart rate monitoring.

One or two weekly strength training sessions using weights or exercise machines were included on a separate day, or after an endurance session.

Study participants built up to those levels, beginning with three, 30-minute, moderate exercise sessions for the first 3 months and peaked at 10 months when two high-intensity aerobic intervals were added.

At the end of the two-year study, those who had exercised showed an 18% improvement in their maximum oxygen intake during exercise and a more than 25 percent improvement in compliance, or elasticity, of the left ventricular muscle of the heart, Dr. Levine noted. He compared the change in the heart to a stretchy, new rubber band versus one that has gotten stiff sitting in a drawer.

Sedentary ageing can lead to a stiffening of the muscle in the heart’s left ventricle, the chamber that pumps oxygen-rich blood back out to the body, he explained.

“When the muscle stiffens, you get high pressure and the heart chamber doesn’t fill as well with blood. In its most severe form, blood can back up into the lungs. That’s when heart failure develops,” said Dr. Levine,

Earlier research by UT Southwestern cardiologists showed that left ventricular stiffening often shows up in middle age in people who don’t exercise and aren’t fit, leaving them with small, stiff chambers that can’t pump blood as well.

However, the researchers also found that the heart chamber in competitive masters-level athletes remains large and elastic, and that even four to five days of committed exercise over decades is enough for noncompetitive athletes to reap most of this benefit.

In the current study, researchers wanted to know if exercise can restore the heart’s elasticity in previously sedentary individuals — especially if begun in late middle age. Previous studies from Dr. Levine’s research program have shown substantial improvements in cardiac compliance in young individuals after a year of training, but surprisingly little change if the training was started after age 65.

Materials provided by UT Southwestern Medical Center.

Profile image of Dr Benjamin Levine Dr Benjamin Levine Sports cardiologist


Dr Benjamin Levine is the founder and director of the Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine (IEEM) at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas. He is also professor of internal medicine/cardiology and distinguished professor of exercise sciences at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Dr Levine earned his B.A. magna cum laude in human biology from Brown University and his M.D. from Harvard Medical School. He completed his internship and residency in internal medicine at Stanford University Medical Center followed by a cardiology fellowship at UT Southwestern where he trained under the renowned cardiovascular physiologists Gunnar Blomqivst, M.D. and Jere Mitchell, M.D. Dr Levine founded the IEEM in 1992, which has become one of the premier laboratories in the world for the study of human clinical and integrative physiology. His global research interests centre on the adaptive capacity of the circulation in response to exercise training, deconditioning, aging, and environmental stimuli such as spaceflight and high altitude. A Henry Luce Foundation and Fulbright Scholar, he received the Peter van Handel Award from the United States Olympic Committee (for outstanding research), the Research Award from the Wilderness Medical Society, the Honor Award from the Texas Chapter of American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and the Citation Award from the National ACSM for his body of work. A consummate clinician and teacher as well as a scholar, he was elected to the Association of University Cardiologists, the American Association of Physicians, received the Michael J. Joyner International Teaching Award from the Danish Cardiovascular Research Academy, and has been selected as one of the ‘Best Doctors’ for cardiovascular medicine in Dallas and America multiple times by his peers. Dr Levine is a renowned sports cardiologist who sees athletes with cardiovascular medical problems from around the world and serves as a consultant to the NCAA, the NHL, the NFL, the USOC, USA Track and Field, and other athletic organisations. He’s been a key contributor to the guidelines for the management of athletes with heart disease since 1994. Dr Levine also has a unique background in space medicine, serving as a co-investigator on 4 Spacelab missions (SLS-1, SLS-2, D-2 and Neurolab), the MIR space station, and recently was the PI of a large cardiovascular experiment on the International Space Station (ISS), called the ‘ICV’. He was also awarded by NASA the “most Compelling Results from the ISS” in 2013. He currently advises NASA’s flight surgeons on cardiovascular medical issues. Dr Levine has published over 300 peer-reviewed journal articles, reviews, book chapters, and technical papers, and is currently serving on the editorial boards of numerous journals. Dr Levine is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology, and the Cardiovascular Section of the American Physiological Society.