Entries open for Bristol Harbourside Triathlon
Bristol race back for second year in July
Following their successful 2010 pilot sprint race, Bristol and District Triathletes (BADTri) has introduced a standard (Olympic) distance race for 2011.
The 3 July race boasts a fast cycle route up and down the Portway (and under the Suspension Bridge) with a rare opportunity to ride on closed roads. The run follows along the towpath on the opposite side of the Avon Gorge affording great views of the Clifton Suspension Bridge.
The race also boasts a luxury midday race start.
Distances: Swim 1500m, Cycle 40km, Run 10km.
Entry fee: £69 (non-BTF +£3).
Entry limit: 1000
Date: 3 July
Entires at www.bristoltrifestival.org.