Brownlees sign with GlaxoSmithKline
Maxifuel and Lucozade science supports Alistair and Jonathan Brownlee on the journey to Rio 2016
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has agreed a partnership deal with the Brownlee brothers that will see its Lucozade and Maxifuel brands supporting the brothers’ hydration and nutrition needs.
Maxifuel, which is part of Maxinutrition group, will provide the brothers with individually-tailored nutritional support to complement their lifestyle, training and competition cycles in the build-up to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
The Lucozade Sport team will support Alistair and Jonathan with Lucozade Sport Elite, GSK’s specialist hydration range. Following the Olympic podium performance of Alistair and Jonathan who took gold and bronze, respectively, at London 2012, the new long term deal will support their performance in the run up to Rio 2016.
Alistair says: “With endurance sports such as Triathlon, nutrition is key and can really alter the outcome of a race. Jonny and I have had our fair share of incidents when we have pushed our bodies to extreme exhaustion. It is great to be supported by experts like Maxifuel and Lucozade Sport who will help ensure that we are race ready.”
Jonathan says: “Triathlon demands a lot from the body both in competition and in training. When we are out training in the Yorkshire Dales for hours at a time the sports nutrition that Maxifuel and Lucozade Sport provide is essential to keep us going, especially when Alistair gets us lost.”
The new partnership comes ahead of the 2013 ITU Triathlon World Championship, previously won by Alistair in 2009 and 2011, while Jonathan won the title in 2012.
For more information on Maxifuel and its sports nutrition range please visit
More information on Lucozade Sport Elite please visit
Image: Delly Carr/ITU