Big Cow launch unique team tri event
Still a triathlon, but a new way of competing…
Event organisers Big Cow, have announced a new event to add to their 2010 racing calendar. The National Team Championships will take place on 19 September at Emberton Park, Milton Keynes, and will be the first of its kind in terms of format.
How it works: Pick 8 triathletes from your club, enter them as a team and the top 6 finishers count towards total points accumulated. Each place in your age group counts as 1 point. So, Dave, 66, he wins his age group, he gets 1 point. Glyniss, 52, comes second in her age group, she gets 2 points. Stuart, 23, comes 28th in his age group – 28 points.
The team with the fewest points for their top 6 finishers of both sexes win both the race and the £1,000 prize.
Tactics are the name of the game, so for example you could enter a team of 8 top age groupers, all in the 25 to 29 age group, and they could fill the top 6 places. But then they could still lose out to a team, more cleverly selected, with 6 winners and runner-ups across different age groups.
For more information, and to enter, go to