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For Goodness Shakes Nectar Fuel

Don’t let the motor-oil aesthetics of the packaging put you off here because what’s kept inside is, as we’ve come to expect from For Goodness Shakes, good stuff. Both the lemon and lime, and orange, flavours are subtle and easy on the palette, with no nasty aftertaste. It provides hypotonic (lower carb concentration than your […]

For Goodness Shakes Nectar Fuel

SaltStick SaltStick Dispenser

SaltStick manufactures electrolyte capsules, the content of which is designed to replace electrolytes lost when sweating. Being small and water soluble, the capsules aren’t the easiest to carry and protect from the elements, so SaltStick has designed this clever little dispenser. It comes with a Velcro strap and clip so it’s easy to attach to […]

SaltStick SaltStick Dispenser

MP Max One Energel Isotonic

As the name suggests, My Protein has traditionally fed the needs of power athletes. But the new MP Max One range offers some premixed solutions for us more endurance-inclined triathletes. The Energel is the brand’s first appearance on these pages and it’s a fairly simple affair – not dissimilar from the texture of an SiS […]

MP Max One Energel Isotonic

Maxifuel Viper Active Orange

Viper Active is Maxifuel’s all-in-one sports drink for “anyone who takes part in vigorous exercise”. It has various guises depending on how it’s mixed up, allowing you to use it before, during and after exercise. It contains around 7% protein, 88% carbs and a host of electrolytes, so just about caters for every situation. The […]

Maxifuel Viper Active Orange

ZipVit ZV2 Energy Extreme

ZipVit present some rather strong claims with their Extreme energy drink. And there’s no denying that each serving packs a punch, with 26.2g of carbohydrate (a little shy of the 6% optimal level), 3.4g of protein, and seven different minerals and electrolytes. This orange flavour mix makes a milky-looking liquid that, by comparison to the […]

ZipVit ZV2 Energy Extreme

ZipVit ZV7C

When it comes to the caffeine stakes, the ZipVit ZV7C energy gel stands alongside the USN Vooma gel at 160mg per sachet and boasts 2.5 times more caffeine than a can of Red Bull. Masking any caffeine taste is the Cherry Cola flavour tested here (Blackcurrant is also available), which is surprisingly appetising during a […]

ZipVit ZV7C

ZipVit ZV 10 Energy Chews

The Zipvit ZV 10 is a nice and simple chew; they’re easy to digest and have a satisfying flavour and texture. Containing simple carbohydrate (CHO) and salt, the whole pack contains a slightly higher level of energy (153.9 kcal) than you’d usually get from your average sports drink. So when mixed with 500ml of water […]

ZipVit ZV 10 Energy Chews