Lazer Z1 bike helmet review
A simple approach to going aero which works well
Lazer Z1 bike helmet review
Lazer has taken the simple approach to constructing an aero lid by making a shell to fit over the top of its 280g Z1 helmet.
>>> Best road bike helmets of 2014
On hot days, or days when you’re not watching the clock, you just pop the shell off and you have a normal road helmet.
Without the shell, it’s a lightly padded but well fitting and secure lid; with the shell, all that changes is the air passes easier and your head gets a little warmer. It’s a simple solution but it seems to work.
But it’s not without niggles. The first is that it needs more padding. The second is that when it’s upturned after a ride, all your sweat pools in the shell and then drips out down your leg when you next pick it up.
Verdict: A well-fitting, secure lid for fast days that can be easily adapted for hot days, 89%
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