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Diary of a newbie

Introducing our latest blogger, the 48-year-old newbie Deb Macleod, as she charts her the highs and lows of her first full race season

I’m a 48 year old self-employed triathlon newbie. I did my first sprint last year and, er, it was fun. I didn’t throw up, didn’t drown and didn’t come off my bike. Who cares about my time?!

For me, triathlons were crazy, something only for the super-fit but I’ve never been an ‘athlete’. I grew up tubby but by 30 I was fit: I did aerobics, kickboxing, spinning and ran like a maniac. I lived in Atlanta, USA, and it was great to be fit and active and I was certain I would stay that way. But, 13 years ago, I moved to the UK and my activity level plummeted.

What happened? Two-and-a-half years ago, I had major surgery and, though I did some yoga and walked our dogs, I was unfit. To rub salt into the wound, my Mr started cycling. It was annoying to see him zipping around feeling better and eating whatever he fancied.

Enough! I missed the rush of intense exercise so I started cycling with him; but triathlons would sit on the back burner as I had barriers to overcome: cycling solo, a bad knee and I only did breaststroke.

Then I met Andrew Middlebrooke, Doctor of Exercise Science. I decided to improve my fitness; after my assessment he put me on a schedule to prepare me for a charity ride which I completed, but afterwards he threw me a challenge “Do a tri. This year!” And I did, in September. It was crazy but it gave me that old buzz!

So my course is set. I’m on a new training programme, preparing for three triathlons: Sprint (May), the London Triathlon (September) and a duathlon (November).

Join me as I talk about how this 48 year old fits it all in: events, work, exercise, walking dogs, shopping, oh, and relationships too. Will I ever break records? Only my own, but it’s only for me anyway…

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The 220 Triathlon team is made up of vastly experienced athletes, sports journalists, kit reviewers and coaches. In short, what we don't know about multisport frankly isn't worth knowing! Saying that, we love expanding our sporting knowledge and increasing our expertise in this phenomenal sport.