Improve your cycling technique for standing uphill climbs
Struggle to get, and stay, out of the saddle when trying to power up the hills? Only manage a few minutes before having to sit back down? Nik Cook has this session and advice
Struggle to get, and stay, out of the saddle when trying to power up the hills? Only manage a few minutes before having to sit back down? Nik Cook has this session and advice
Wondering what muscles you use in triathlon and whether you have to strengthen some more than others? Nik Cook explains
Nik Cook explains how to cycle into a headwind and what you should be doing with your head/body position
Nik Cook explain how your arms, legs, torso and head should be positioned when cycling up hills, both seated and standing
A windy bike course can wipe you out, leaving you exhausted for the run. But it needn’t be that way. Nik Cook shows you how to battle the breeze…
Race wheels are one of the most exciting triathlon gear purchases you can ever make. Nik Cook explores the real benefits of riding the bike leg with these specialist bike wheels
Cycling coach Nik Cook explains 10 common mistakes triathletes make on the bike leg and how to put them right
It’s time to add structure to your training and lay the groundwork for the next season, which means regular tempo and threshold run and bike sessions. Nik Cook is here to help with this bumper guide to what you’ll need, what to do and how to do it…
Cyclocross incorporates two of tri’s three disciplines in a frenetic format that’s great for off-season fitness. Nik Cook flings himself at the filth to find out more
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