Compressport On/Off Multisport base layer review
Compressport’s On/Off Multisport tested and rated by our expert reviewer
Compressport launched the On/Off Multisport back in the summer as a ‘first layer’ for all seasons, with 42,000 cavities letting air through to your skin depending on how hard you’re breathing.
Glance down when pushing up through the zones when running and this technology evidently works, with the holes noticeably opening and closing to let air and skin unite. For a chilly autumn high-intensity run this was ideal, keeping us warm early on in the exercise and filtering cool air in just as our core temp was rising.
For summer runs? We’re unsold. Compressport tout the compressive and posture benefits, but we’d rather opt for a looser fitting short-sleeve tee and run free instead of seeking out any upper-body recovery benefits.
Yet they should be saluted for pushing the baselayer boundaries, and this’ll become a fixture of our off-season wardrobe.
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