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Home / Blog / Funda’s final London Triathlon entry…

Funda’s final London Triathlon entry…

So, how did our first-time triathlete do at the big event?

Think I’ve only just recovered from Saturday’s event! Well, all in all, it went really well and I was pleased with my overall time of 1hr24mins for the women’s sprint distance. So, how did it go for a first-time ‘triathlete’?

The swim was definitely the hardest part for me. I found it difficult to stay on course as there were people everywhere, splashing all over the place and I got stuck in the middle of the group so found it hard to find my own pace. You’re very limited when in the middle of the group so definitely a lesson for next time. When I did stick my head down and try and go for it, I kept going off course as the water was muddy and it was easy to get disorientated. I lost my goggles in the chaos at one stage which made it difficult to breathe but I managed to calm down and get back on track!

The transitions went okay considering I hadn’t practiced too much – I think I took a little longer than some people with getting my wetsuit off but I guess that comes with experience. And I was grateful to see race masters around to help racers out should you have questions or get confused about the exact rules – I was surprised just how strict the rules were and know a couple of people who got disqualified.

The bike was my most enjoyable part as I had predicted. I managed to overtake quite a few people after the swim and I noticed my heart rate <http://www.suunto.com/> come down significantly so I think my body was recovering from the drama of the swim and getting back into a more regular, familiar rhythm. It seemed to go on for a long time but was fine and proved a good chance to assess what was going on around me. The run, despite my apprehensions, was actually fine. In fact, when I got to the end, the adrenalin was still pumping and I actually felt like I had quite a bit of energy left. In hindsight, I think I could have pushed myself harder in this last stage but, as they say, hindsight’s a great thing…

Overall, I was pretty pleased with my performance and have definitely got the bug for doing another one. I want to improve my times and transitions and take on board some of the things I learnt from this first experience, like with the swim. And the atmosphere was great – everyone in our group was in a really upbeat, positive mood and the organizers made it as fun and relaxed as possible. So, watch this space…London 2012, here I come.

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The 220 Triathlon team is made up of vastly experienced athletes, sports journalists, kit reviewers and coaches. In short, what we don't know about multisport frankly isn't worth knowing! Saying that, we love expanding our sporting knowledge and increasing our expertise in this phenomenal sport.